On Tuesday, November 14th, at 11am in the “Salle Pasteur” of the AFSB centre, Dr. Michel Desjardins will be a speaker for the Pierre Talbot conferences of the Infectiopole INRS. Dr. Desjardins is a full professor at the University of Montreal in the department of pathology and cellular biology (since 1994) as well as a fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (since 2010), putting his expertise to use in order to attempt to characterize the various cellular pathways that are linked to the immune system and various autoimmune diseases.
His recent works illustrated a contribution of some mechanisms of the immune system in the etiology of Parkinson’s disease, where PINK1 and Parkin, two Parkinson’s disease-related proteins, inhibit the process of formation of mitochondrial-derived vesicles. These vesicles are usually credited for allowing the cell to display mitochondrial antigens on the cell’s surface, deregulating this system of communication from the cell to the immune system. Dr. Desjardins’ presentation will touch on these subjects and multiple others as he aims to answer the question; is Parkinson’s disease an autoimmune disease?
Following Dr. Desjardins’ conference, all students interested in asking additional questions to our speaker are invited to join us for a pizza lunch between the students and the speaker, whether it is to network, gain a better understanding of the subject or discuss of career paths. If you are interested in joining us, please be sure to warn Erik Bellerive (erik.bellerive@inrs.ca) to ensure that enough food will be available and to measure interest.